I am passionate about helping people connect to their authentic selves and to really trust their own instincts.

These evenings are designed to teach you a few tools to help with this, I hope to give you confidence, as well as having some fun in the process.

Please visit my homepage for weekly updates and availability.


Rose Quartz  & LOVE ~  6.30 - 8pm

The pink quartz crystal has the ability to attract love into your world in all its forms; romantic love, but also nurturing friendship. It has a strong association with self-love, and also strongly linked with compassion and unconditional love, making it a powerful stone for deepening relationships of any kind — even our relationship with ourselves ~ which I believe is where it’s best to start.

Come and find out more about Rose quartz , how to use this beautiful crystal, how to cleanse and recharge to get the most benefits from it.

You will receive a crystal on the evening to start your crystal collection ~ or to add to the one you already have.

 Angel cards ~ 6.30 - 8pm

Angel cards are used to provide divine guidance and gentle encouragement, and for those with open minds and a willingness to grow, they can be a hugely beneficial tool for personal development.

Millions of people are turning to the heavens for guidance, wisdom, and insight into their lives.

Come and enjoy a fun evening with me and an intimate group, discovering how to connect to your Angel card deck.

You will receive a special card deck of your own.

 PendulumS ~ 6.30 - 8pm

Pendulums can be an excellent tool to help with your spiritual connection and reveal answers to questions that you otherwise may be struggling to find.

Come and enjoy a fun evening with me, discovering how to connect to your pendulum, how it works, what you need, and guidance on how to get started.

Anyone can have a go at using a pendulum, but the main criteria is that you need to start with an open mind and put any doubts to one side.

You will receive a beautiful crystal pendulum at the beginning of the evening.